Alkimia Interactive and THQ Nordic, the companies behind the Gothic Remake, have finally released a new playable demo to the general public as part of Steam's Next Fest 2025. The "Nyras Prologue" as they're calling it, is a version of a similar demo that's been floating around for a while now, last seen at Gamescom in August 2024, and perhaps even before that for more limited press coverage. In this demo, you play as Nyras -- whom you may remember from the original game -- just after he's thrown into the colony for the first time, tasked with exploring a small area around the exchange zone and completing a few quests with basic character interactions and combat opportunities. As such, it does not represent what the actual start of the actual game will be like, since they claim that "the full game [will] follow the story, structure, and spirit of the original Gothic, with the Nameless Hero as the protagonist." This demo is basically a mod scenario simply meant to preview what certain mechanics or production designs might look like, in addition to the game's modding capabilities, and of course the creators are quick to point out that everything is a work-in-progress which is subject to change, and that there WILL be bugs and glitches involved. Knowing that, it's hard to judge this demo since it's unclear what exactly is intended JUST for the sake of this one limited scenario, versus what might be intended for the full game experience.